Saturday, August 10, 2013

Art Deco Wedding

A beautiful colleague approached me about making her wedding cake. Art Deco she said...easy I thought...not so much.

In the end we came up with a design for the cupcake toppers...this involved cutting fondant discs, stenciling on the art deco pattern with white royal icing and then painting the pattern with gold and silver lustre dust. The top cake was a design I'd been wanting to try since I'd seen it in a magazine a few months took me 3 shots but I think it came out pretty well!

I think the whole thing looked awesome all set up and was told there was not one cupcake left at the end of the night!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Been a Tad Slack!

Slap my wrist...I've been very slack with posting cake updates.

This gorgeous little Tinkerbell I made for a very good friend's beautiful 5 year old daughter. I had so much fun making this and it was a huge hit on the day!

These stunning photos were taken of my most recent Love Birds wedding cake

And these are a collection of cakes that I have made in the last few months